ARAN Automotive

Revolution is in the air

New regulations on environmental pollution make AdBlue® appropriate for all new Diesel engines.

The EGR system was in fact the first technology to reduce the oxides of nitrogen produced by the combustion process, this technology involved the recycling of exhaust gases and characterized the production of the so-called Euro 3 and Euro 4 engines.

This innovative technology has now been exceeded by the requirements imposed by the Euro 6 standard, which include the installation of the innovative SCR system, which used in combination with theAdBlue® urea solution, transforms nitrogen oxides (NOx) into nitrogen and water vapor, natural elements present in the environment.

The SCR system is now the best solution for the treatment of combustion exhaust gases. ARAN produces and supplies AdBlue® of the highest quality and purity that, once inserted in the exhaust pipe, decomposes by hydrolysis in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and ammonia (NH3) which, once reached the catalyst reacts with oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and consequently gives rise to two components – water and nitrogen – elements present in nature.

Adblue® ARAN, the winning choice for engines equipped with SCR system – Selective Catalytic Reduction.
The use of ARAN AdBlue® allows the reduction of NOx emissions and to comply with the strict regulatory standards on pollution prevention.

AdBlue® ARAN – the right solution for any of your needs
ARAN is a leading company in the production and supply of AdBlue® and AdBlue® solutions internationally.

The production takes place at the production site of Lainate, the distribution of the product takes place in a capillary manner on the national and international territory by means of an efficient delivery service.

Autocisterne, cisterne da 1000 lt, fusti da 200 lt, 10 litri e 5 litri compongono ogni possibile tipologia di confezionamento per ogni esigenza.

ARAN Customer Care ensures its customers excellent product quality and great efficiency in transport as well as speedy delivery of your product.


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ARAN Industries

The best solution for reducing nitrogen oxides (NOx) for your industry Industrial NOx abatement – AdBlue® ARAN INDUSTRIES AdBlue® ARAN

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ARAN Green

This section is dedicated to the product for agricultural vehicles AdBlue® ARAN Green – for farm vehicles Numerous tractors, excavators,

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ARAN RAIL – line of products dedicated to the latest generation of locomotives AdBlue® ARAN RAIL allows to reduce the

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ARAN Truck

ARAN – the winning choice Adblue® ARAN, manufactures urea solutions suitable for your specific needs, provides equipment and accessories suitable

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