ARAN RAIL – line of products dedicated to the latest generation of locomotives

AdBlue® ARAN RAIL allows to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the latest generation of diesel locomotives equipped with SCR systems.

  • Consumption of AdBlue® is about 5% compared to Diesel, depending on speed and local weather conditions.
  • Our dedicated AdBlue® brand, ARAN RAIL meets the most stringent regulatory and production requirements.
  • We can supply any type of locomotive in any European location through our distributors and dealers located throughout the country.
  • ARAN RAIL è prodotto con materie prime non contaminate di elevatissima purezza, questo garantisce una miglior efficienza di abbattimento e l’allungamento della vita media del sistema SCR.

Availability and capillarity of delivery

ARAN offers equipment for AdBlue® ARAN RAIL for Diesel trains of any size; the equipment for the refill of the solution can be properly installed on board the train or located along the railway network in special tanks dedicated to the containment of the urea solution. All tanks are equipped with level and consumption detection system and managed according to the best interconnection technologies.


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ARAN Industries

The best solution for reducing nitrogen oxides (NOx) for your industry Industrial NOx abatement – AdBlue® ARAN INDUSTRIES AdBlue® ARAN

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ARAN Green

This section is dedicated to the product for agricultural vehicles AdBlue® ARAN Green – for farm vehicles Numerous tractors, excavators,

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ARAN Truck

ARAN – the winning choice Adblue® ARAN, manufactures urea solutions suitable for your specific needs, provides equipment and accessories suitable

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