Higher Value with Hyper Amortization – Focus Industry 4.0

The argument of the technicians of the mise is clear: within Enterprise 4.0, the maxi-depreciation, although they have never provided selectivity criteria among the beneficiaries, have been an extraordinary accelerator for the investments of large companies already struggling with digital transformation programs of their production processes (think for example companies operating in the ceramic sector or other “process industries”). Now it is necessary to introduce the new technologies also in the “discrete” industrial processes, which produce by batch and in the less prepared or more reluctant enterprises to innovate that, in prevalence, are medium-small enterprises.

Few thoughts on small-medium enterprises

While not introducing selectivity criteria among the beneficiaries, the incentive would therefore be more stimulating for small-scale investments, mainly by small and medium-sized enterprises, compared to larger projects involving larger companies more frequently. An SME making an investment of EUR 30 million would therefore have the same percentage as a large company. But it is very likely that an SME will make an investment of less than EUR 2 million, obtaining a higher concession than larger investments. The new approach therefore makes it possible to avoid that the incentive can be traced back to the definition of State aid, set out in Article 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

How about those companies already turn digital?

Finally, there are companies that have already invested in digital and should not be abandoned to their fate. If you really want to deeply affect the industrial fabric of our country, you must also encourage the implementation and updating of technologies for those who have made investments 4.0, especially under the pressure of incentives. In essence, according to several authoritative experts in the field of innovation, super and hyper depreciation have represented in their initial phase a positive shock for companies, but the most important thing would be to be able to give stability to incentives in the medium/long term, otherwise you run the risk of not being able to significantly increase the productivity of our manufacturing system, thus losing the challenge with major global manufacturing competitors.

The machines designed and manufactured by ARAN, meet the requirements “enterprise 4.0”, are interconnectable and are certified according to the best international standards.


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